At Lightwave, we believe that Jesus' Light is for everyone.  We love doing stuff with generations together - but we also know that sometimes  young people and the oldies need space with people from their own stage in life. 

Our hubs in Red Lodge and Bungay are working with local churches to seek to provide local Christian community for every age and stafe from birth to the end of high school. Lightwave groups grow organically so they meet the different needs of different ages and stages and look different in different places across Suffolk. 

This page, currently under construction, will give you a taster of what is happening across the county  - with links and contact details for you to find out more where you are.

Teens & Tweens

​​​​​​​Cook@Church is a cooking club for young people who want to enjoy cooking with people in their community

Hope Youth Teen activities and exploring Christian faith - School Years 9-11 - For secondary age and upper KS2 Fridays 7.45-9 (not first of the month) (Red Lodge)

Illuminate Skate Skateboarding Activties - Bungay Area - Contact Edward Land

WISE  Wear smiles, Ignite soul, Serve community, Encourage others.

Youth Cafe Drop in for games, food and chat - Secondary age and Upper Key Stage 2 - 6-7..30 (Red Lodge)

Emerge Youth 4:15-5:30pm, at Playford Village Hall. Anyone aged 10-16 is welcome.

Lightwave Red Lodge Youth 

Lightwave Bungay Youth 

Youth Community Network ​​​​​​​ The Suffolk Centre of Mission youth group in the Chantry and Pinewood estates and have teamed up to create a vibrant youth group that meets every Friday evening during term time from 6 pm to 8 pm at Greenfinch Church. This group is open to young people in Year 6 and 7, offering them a safe, welcoming space where they can connect, grow, and enjoy themselves.

Primary Age

Blaze Exploring faith through story - Ages 4-7 - Mondays 4-5pm in term time (Red Lodge)

Ignite Games, Craft, Story, Faith, Cooking - Thursdays 4-5 in term time (Red Lodge)

Little Borrowers Part of Lightwave Emerge, Wednesdays 3:10-4:00pm at Little Bealings churchyard. An after school group for primary aged children and their families- Let's 'Do something small to be part of something BIG!'

School Gospel Choirs Takes place in the Bungay Area, contact Heather for more information.

Multi-Gen Together



4 o'clock community

Messy Church

Spirit Lightwave we aim to meet monthly and always outdoors! Our gatherings are suitable for all ages and there is always something for everyone to enjoy, recent events have included kite making, campfire in a community woodland, interactive storytelling and even swimming dips in local rivers.

Spud Club

​​​​​​​Sunday Suppers It's food, Church family, fun, worship and scripture all rolled into a 2 hour slot! The Place by the Water at 5pm.

Lightwave County-Wide Events

Click here for Lightwave events.  We like our county-wide events to be a celebration for all ages.  Locally look out for holiday clubs for children and more...

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