Lightwave Hub Leaders & Clergy with oversight for Lightwave Groups

Sally Gaze
Leader of the Lightwave Community County-wide and Archdeacon for Rural Mission

Contact me if you want help to start a Lightwave group or support for rural mission.

Diane Grano
Red Lodge Lightwave Rural Hub Leader and Co-leader for the Lightwave Community

Contact me if you are excited, curious, need support, wanting to join or even start a Lightwave group especially in the West of the county.

Ben Wale
Emerge Lightwave Rural Hub Leader

Contact me to find out more about the vision and mission of the Emerge Lightwave Rural Hub based in Playford and nearby villages

Edward Land
Leader of the Lightwave Hub "Bungay and Beyond"

Contact me for information about the Lightwave 'Bungay and Beyond' Hub.

Kathy Wilson
Coordinator of Suffolk in Prayer and Leading the Ministry at The Place by the Water

Contact me to find out more about 'The Place by the Water' or the 'Suffolk in Prayer' inititative.

Matthew Lawson
Rector of Chadbrook Benefice

Contact me to find out more about the 4 o'clock community in the Chadbrook Benefice.

Julia Lall
Rector of Rougham, Beyton with Hessett and Rushbrook

Contact me for information about the Lightwave Activities in Rougham, Beyton with Hessett and Rushbrook

Simon Cake
Team Vicar, Wilford Peninsula (Hollesley Cluster)

Contact me if you want more information about Lightwave activities in the Hollesley Cluster.

07710 523856
Debbie Nicholls
Pioneer Curate in South Hartismere

Contact me for information about Lightwave Connect activities in the South Hartismere Benefice including our Gislingham baby and Tots group.

01379 678753 or 07931 665205 (Whatsapp)
Chrissie Smart
Curate in the Four Rivers Benefice and Leader of "Bridge"

Contact me to find out more about "Bridge" our core Lightwave Group in Four Rivers

Andy Buttress
Leader of Bridge Communities

Contact me to find out more about Bridge micro-communities (Lightwave groups).

Tracey James
Rector of Needham Market

Contact me to find out how you can get involved with Lightwave rural mission inNeedham Market with Badley.



Lauren Moore
Associate Priest in the Lightwave Community (with a focus on training and development)

Contact me for training for Lightwave group leaders and training on the Suffolk Discipleship Pathway

Lightwave Initiative Leaders and Rural Outreach Pioneers

Gail Southgate
Pioneer Evangelist and co-leader of Pilgrims Together

Contact me to find out about our 'Pilgrims Together' Lightwave group in Alde Sandlings.  I also lead the Church Army Centre of Mission and lead Envoy training which is great for small groups like Lightwave groups to engage in evangelism.

Alison Earl
Licensed Pioneer and Assistant Leader for the Red Lodge Hub

Contact me for information about Lightwave Red Lodge Hub.

Nicky Lawson
Lay Licensed Pioneer and Leader of the "4 o'clock Community" in Chadbrook Benefice

Contact me to find out more about the Chadbrook Benefice and the "4 o'Clock Community".

Ali Hobson
Rural Outreach Pioneer, Samford Benefice

Contact me for information about the Samford Benefice and 'Spirit' Lightwave group.

Emma Morris
Children and Families Minister – South Hartismere

Contact me if you want to find out more about the South Hartismere benefice.

Heather Land
Community Choir Director and co-leader of the Bungay and Beyond Hub

Contact me for information about the Lightwave 'Bungay and Beyond' Hub.

James Hawksworth
Leader of Youth Community Network

Contact me to find out more about the Youth Community Network in Chantry & Pinewood areas of Ipswich.

Pam Tonks
Rural Outreach Pioneer
Clare Marie Ayers
Rural Outreach Pioneer.

Rural and Agricultural Chaplaincy Team

Graham Miles
Lightwave Rural Chaplain and leader of the Rural Chaplaincy Team

Contact me if you are in the farming or agricultural community and would like support, prayer or a safe space to talk. I'm reaching out to the farming and rural communities across Suffolk.

Linda Preston
Rural Agricultural Chaplaincy team

Contact me for Rural Chaplaincy support.

Sue Cole
Rural Agricultural Chaplaincy team

Contact me for Rural Chaplaincy support.

'Growing in God in the Countryside' Support Team

Andrew Gosden
"Growing in God in the Countryside" Project Manager and Treasurer for the Lightwave Community CIO

Contact me for all finance and project management related enquiries.

Becky Luetchford
Communications Missioner and Social Media Storyteller

Contact me if you want me to share a story from your lightwave group or community. I'm happy to come to you and photograph or film your group or you can send me what you've captured. I also offer training in social media, filming and photographing for small rural churches and groups.

Nina Seaman
"Growing in God in the Countryside" Project Administrator and Prayer Coordinator

Contact me for all things administration and prayer related.

Sally Gaze
Leader of the Lightwave Community County-wide and Archdeacon for Rural Mission

Contact me if you want help to start a Lightwave group or support for rural mission.

Ewan Darby

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