Lightwave are heading to 'New Day 2023'

You are invited to join us from 

Monday, 31 July → Friday, 4 August 2023

Lightwave Suffolk (including St John's Woodbridge Youth) are taking people to Newday 2023 Christian festival.

We will be camping on the Norfolk Showground, so you will need to bring your own camping equipment

(or arrange something with your local youth leader)

The cost will be £165 (including £40 for food).

To sign up to say your'e coming click; BOOK HERE

By signing up to Newday you are giving your permission for the young person to;

1. attend the Newday event at the Norfolk Showground between 31st July and 4th August 2023 and the activites laid on by the Newday team;

2. receive any medical treatment that may be necessary in case of emergency;

3. have photos and videos taken which may be used on social media in accordance with the Church of England Safeguarding procedures; Click Here for more information

4. to view the Lightwave Safeguarding webpage Click Here

Please include the reference NEWDAY and your surname on your ticket booking.

If you would prefer to pay by cheque or need any additional information please email Chris Gaze at for details.

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