Here you can find information about the "Growing New” learning community for teams who are planting significant fresh expressions of Church in Suffolk. 

  1. If you would appreciate a conversation about your involvement in Growing New then please contact Archdeacon Sally directly on 07446 933129 or alternatively contact Nina Seaman
  2. If you would like to look at the two discernment documents referred to by Myriad they appear in the list of files on this webpage. They can be accessed by clicking on the document “Who plants churches?” for current church leaders to help them identify the skills and giftings normally present in planters.  Also the to Am I Called doc, which is for hub leaders and oversight ministers discerning whether people in their church/community have potential to plant churches. Click HERE to download the two discernment documents ('Am I Called?' and 'Who Plants Churches?') or in the 'files' section of this page.
  3. If you and your team want to join the Growing New Learning Community and have the agreement of your oversight minister, then the next step is to complete the Learning Pathway Application form also found on this page.
  4. On receipt of your application, the Growing New Administrator, will make contact with the church leader listed on your application, for a reference on your behalf.
  5. Completed applications need to be returned by 30th of June 2023.

If after having spoken with your Incumbent/Oversight Minister and they are in agreement of you and your team planting a church, then click here to complete the Growing New Application form, to join the Growing New learning pathway.  Completed applications need to be returned by 30th of June 2023.

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