Thy Kingdom Come is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. You can find out more and order resources at
These include a fantastic set of images to help you in your prayers which can be used as prayer stations - These Prayer Stations will be in St Edmundsbury Cathedral all week.
You can also get involved in Thy Kingdom Come, through The Big Suffolk Prayer Walk (10th – 12th May 2024), which is an ecumenical initiative lead by Suffolk in Prayer and Ipswich in Prayer. We are aiming for 48 hours of continuous prayer through our online Big Suffolk Prayer weekend prayer room and lots of prayer walking/cycling/ praying for God’s blessing and for people in the area come to know Jesus in their lives. To find out more, please go to
Thy Kingdom Come in Suffolk culminates on Pentecost Sunday with a fabulous afternoon of worship and prayer at the Cathedral, celebrating all that God I doing in mission in our beautiful County. Doors open at 3.15 for activities for all ages The Catching the Fire service starts at 3.45 and incorporates a rich variety of worship styles from many traditions. At the end there is pizza and a live link for teens across the UK to say the Lord’s prayer together. Find out more here:
Please email if you would like to find out more about how children and young adults can get involved and have a role to play in Catching the Fire.