Who are we?

Safe Harbour is an accessible church that aims to love and serve those in Ipswich who have multiple and complex needs.

Safe Harbour Events

Every Thursday 1pm - Safe Harbour Gathering and Top Up Shop

We sit down together and have lunch and chat. There is no charge for the lunch, so anyone is welcome. At 1.45 pm we will do some accessible Christian worship so people are welcome to stay on if they want to. This includes a dramatized bible passage with reflections and some interactive prayers.  Safe Harbour Church Gathering values friendships and we can uniquely offer a space for people to chat and be listened to in a safe environment. 

At 2:30pm we invite people to make a donation of £2 to fill a bag of food and other household items. There is a Café open at the same time and a free lunch of sandwiches or rolls served from 1.30 pm so our customers can sit and have a chat over some food and drink. We are keen for other agencies to have a table in the café and offer advice on debt, housing or any other complex needs. 

1st Thursday monthly – The Table

The Safe Harbour Table is on the first Thursday each month and doors open at 7pm. We will serve a free 2 course meal with an aim to serve those who cannot afford to eat out at a restaurant. There will be a short Christian talk and some music.

All the events are at St Helen’s Church, St Helen’s Street, Ipswich, IP42SL


To find out more about Safe Harbour contact-

Bob Hamilton, 07394568407,  Bob.Hamilton@cofesuffolk.org 

You can see what Safe Harbour are doing on their Facebook Page HERE

Or just come along, no prior booking needed.

Looking for help?

The links below may be useful and if you're looking for work and need some support or advice please drop us an email by clicking here.

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