The Formational Community for Churchplanters and Pioneers was set up as a learning community/ formational programme for unlicensed and licensed lay and ordained people who are involved in significant pioneering work.  Many (but not all) are part of the Lightwave Community. 

It aims to

  • facilitate peer support and reflection with other church-planters and pioneers in Suffolk
  • further spiritual formation in Anglican tradition (input to be spiritual, theological & ecclesiological)
  • provide meaningful direct connection with both the Bishops so they are able to engage with the particular obstacles and challenges which are facing these pioneers
  • encourage growth in vocation (in its broadest sense)

The community is currently being reshaped and will include support for evangelists.

The Shape of the Programme  up til now has been 8-10 meetings a year half in Bishop’s House, half online.  It has been based on the design of the auxiliary ordination pathway in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich. One of the bishops hosted and taught each time.  Gail Southgate has recently succeeded Sally Gaze as pastor for the community and will act as prompt for any particular preparation needed for a meetings. (This will be light)

The ingredients for the physical  meetings (6.30-8.30pm) intentionally follow the effective pattern of the Auxiliary Ordination Pathway:  Sharing Food, Eucharistic Structure, Teaching on the Topic that Month, Stories of the Saints/ Seasons of Christian Year, Spiritual Disciplines (with practical exercises set)

The online meetings are similar with no eucharist but space for talking about a chosen spiritual discipline led by one of the participants. (7-9pm)

Membership of the communiity is by invitation.  Contact Gail Southgate to find out more

Typical order for each meeting

Our meetings together will be shaped by the pattern of communion (eucharist).  Some parts will only be possible when meeting physically

Gathering (sharing of food and news)

Confession  - Discipline of Examen

Ministry of the Word – Dwelling in the Word & Teaching on the Meeting Focus and Brief presentation about a relevant Saint or Season

Thanksgiving and sharing eucharist (where meeting face to face)

Sending out in Mission – When there is no eucharist, this will include the sharing of a spiritual discipline to put into practice in every day life.

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